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Here's an Interesting Portfolio


Hey! How nice of you to look at my personal site, Thank you!
I am software engineer that specializes in creating beautiful Frontend user experience using React, a bit of backend using Node JS and recently found myself dabbing and studying UX too.

Get in touch!

Who am I

I am a software developer who graduated in 2018 with a Bachelors in Information Technology. I`ve been coding professionally for 4 years, right now I am working as a Frontend Engineer that focuses on UI development , Deployment , and a bit of Backend for personal projects.

Here are few main techs that are cup of my tea coffee .

  • Javascript
  • React
  • Node
  • Typescript
  • NextJS
  • Jest

Places i’ve worked.

Since 2018, I’ve had a privilege to work with several companies that enables me to hone my skills and talents. These companies will always have a special place in my heart. Currently I am working with FamPay.

Frontend EngineerFamPay FinTech for Teenagers

Oct 2020 - Present

  • Creating Web views and PAW's for FamPay App serving 2 Million+ users using modern frontend technologies.
  • Create and maintain Explore section which drives the Gamification of the entire application through multiple types of rewards such as Raffles, Spinners, etc.
  • Build and Maintain Gift a FamCard , Savings Goal, IPL Predictions , Landing Page and multiple other web projects using React JS and related technologies.
  • Work with backend team to build and maintain deployment pipelines for all out projects using Docker and GitLab CI/CD.
  • Hired in Oct 2020, so as the first fulltime Frontend Developer, my responsibilities also include helping in hiring new developers by listing requirements, reviewing coding assignment, conduction Interviews, onboarding and mentoring new developers.

Say hi!

Though, I am fairly introvert myself. I do reply to messages as long as my human interaction battery last. Coding, work, movies, anything is cool. So feel free to message me on any of my social media or shoot me an email.

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Akhil Nair 2021